Worship is the centerpiece of our life together in Christ. In worship we join as one family to hear God’s word and be fed for the journey. We then complete our worship by going out into the world to love and serve our neighbor.
Like many Lutheran congregations, our worship style is a mixture of cherished ancient traditions that link us to our past, and newer songs and practices that lead us into the future. Through this dance between tradition and transformation, we seek to offer a Christ-centered worship experience that is familiar and yet fresh, and always full of welcome and love.
If you would like to serve as a musician, reader, A.V. volunteer, or usher for one of our services, please let your COJ staff know. We welcome your gifts!
Worship Schedule:
In-person Worship: We offer in-person worship in the Sanctuary with Holy Communion each Sunday at 10 AM.
Digital Worship: Each week we offer worship online. You can join us for Digital Worship live, Sundays at 10 AM, or anytime afterwards on our Youtube channel, where you can also find past services and sermons.